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Remembering RGB

Writer's picture: Pastor John SmithPastor John Smith

Ruth Bedar Ginsburg died on September 18th and many are grieving the loss of a dedicated Supreme Court Justice, eulogizing her legacy.

Although a woman achieving a position in our nation’s highest judicial branch is highly commendable, her “legacy” is far from exemplary. She had a consistent record of ruling in favor of abortion to the point of legitimizing the horrific practice of partial-birth abortion. Additionally, she trounced traditional marriage and used her position in SCOTUS to redefine gender and sexuality. When the SCOTUS demands unbiased and impartial decisions, RGB was anything but. Her radical Feminist and Leftist ideology shaped and influenced her decisions and millions of Americans have suffered because of it.

The Bible says, “When the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy” (Psalm 11:10) and yes, I do rejoice that due to RGB’s death that her legacy of evil has been brought to an end and there is now hope for a righteous replacement, however, I do not rejoice that she died without Christ. The Bible also says that God “does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked” (Eze. 33:11) because their death means certain judgment and forever condemnation.

Ginsburg’s passing reminds us that regardless of the position that anyone holds, death will come to every person eventually. As God reminds political leaders in Psalm 82:6, “I said, ‘You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, like men, you shall die and fall like any prince’.” The political leaders in Psalm 82, much like many today, thought of themselves as untouchable and that they could use their God-given authority to oppress and subjugate people without consequence. Again, God reminds them that their positions of power are temporary, they will perish and ultimately be judged for their actions. If God has not spared the leaders of ancient Israel from judgment, what makes us think that RGB (or any leader for that matter) will escape being examined by the highest court in the cosmos?

But as stated earlier, I do not rejoice in RGB’s death because she didn’t place her faith in Christ. Now, it is true she could have placed her hope in Jesus moments before her passing. As the Puritans used to say, “There is only one deathbed profession of faith recorded in Scripture so as we do not presume but also so that we do not lose hope.” However, what I do know is the fruit of her life had shown no affinity toward the gospel, nor a heart warmed to the Lord Jesus Christ. Instead, there was outright hostility evidenced by a career that opposed God’s Law at every opportunity. Furthermore, her relatives record her dying wish was not the advancement of the Kingdom of God, his glory, or the salvation of her family, rather her position would remain vacant till after the election. Think about that for a moment, death is right at the foot of her bed and she is worried about who Trump may pick to replace her. This isn’t just a case of woefully misplaced priorities but a person who is unconcerned about her eternity and seeing God face to face.

What happened to Ruth Bedar Ginsburg will happen to us all with the exception that our death will have little fanfare. It will be likely that our death will not cause flags to be at half-mast, nor will millions tweet eulogies, and the mainstream media will not herald our life as “groundbreaking”. However, despite all this, the grave is the ultimate equalizer. RGB as well as you and I, will someday close our eyes in death and open them in eternity. What we see (Heaven or Hell), and how Christ will regard us at that moment depends on what we do with him now. So, repent of your sins, forsake living for your career, this world, yourself and believe upon the only Savior that this world has—Jesus.

RGB should be remembered as an example of a life and death unwilling and unready to meet Jesus and I pray we all learn from her.

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