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Pastor John Smith
Jun 28, 20193 min read
The Preacher at Pride Fest
In the past two weeks, I have ministered at two different LGBTQ+ events in Washington and people have been curious as to why I choose to...
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Pastor John Smith
Jan 3, 20183 min read
Pulpits Aflame
As I look upon the spiritual landscape of this valley at the dawn of a new year, I am more and more convinced that what sparked the...
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Pastor John Smith
Mar 31, 20173 min read
The Reality of the Resurrection
In just a matter of days, Christians all across the world are going to be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus--That glorious and...
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Pastor John Smith
Mar 10, 20173 min read
What is Your Life?
In the Scriptures there is one poignant question that has been jumping out at me lately and it is found in James 4:14 where it says “What...
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Pastor John
Mar 3, 20173 min read
Compassion Here and There
As I sit reflecting about my mission to New Orleans, I am still feeling the effects of the movement of God during that extraordinary...
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Pastor John Smith
Jan 24, 20173 min read
Political Victory Still Needs Prayer And Preaching
January 20th has finally arrived. Donald Trump is no longer President-elect but now officially the President of the United States and...
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Pastor John Smith
Oct 27, 20163 min read
Private Religion
Religious freedom is a hot button issue in this election and it circles around when and where should faith be exercised. Should...
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Pastor John Smith
Oct 4, 20163 min read
A Reason to Celebrate October 31st
October 31st is a special day for many Christians. It is a day of reflection, remembering triumph and a time to embolden ourselves for...
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Pastor John
Sep 15, 20163 min read
Worry Makes One Wearied
How many of us have tossed and turned in our beds, trying to go to sleep, and yet sleep would not come because we are anxious about a...
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Pastor John
Sep 7, 20163 min read
The Possibility of Forgiveness
Out of all the most difficult things to do in life, offering forgiveness has to be one that is high on the list. Forgiveness is difficult...
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Pastor John Smith
May 17, 20163 min read
Gender Starts With God
In recent events, much controversy has swirled regarding bathrooms, boycotts, and blurred lines concerning the issue of gender identity....
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Pastor John Smith
Apr 28, 20163 min read
Dead men walking
In 2008 a campaign ran on the platform “change we can believe in” and looking back 8 years later, most of us can agree that “change” did...
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Pastor John Smith
Apr 13, 20163 min read
Created for Glory
Your life is not a series of random events or sequences of unrelated decisions. You have a story. You have a purpose. For many of us,...
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